Give…a few words
Thanks for visiting Give…A Few Words
A place where you can help spread a little cheer through the power of words.
Be a keyboard warrior if that’s your thing or go retro and write a good old fashioned handwritten letter.
At the other end of a letter is a person who just needs a few words to make their day a little bit brighter.
So, if this is for you, please read on….

We are absolutely delighted to announce our entry in to the 2025 Charity Film Awards
Grab a brew and take a couple of minutes to take a look at our short video which showcases the importance of our work.
Then please help us!
We NEED your support, please cast your VOTE for us below (and support us by sharing far and wide) It would mean the absolute world to us.

That’s a wrap for #Letters for Christmas 2024
That’s a wrap as we have completed out Christmas campaign 2024. What started very early September finished on Christmas Eve.
In that time, we have received hundreds of beautiful letters, gorgeous cards and a whole bunch of artwork and homemade gifts from individuals, schools, colleges, University, groups and both local and national businesses.
We will be back soon with final numbers and stories about these wonderful contributions but meanwhile, thank you to every single person who has been involved, you have made a HUGE difference.
We hope you enjoy the December festivities and we will be back on Monday 6th January 2024
Care homes / Charities / Voluntary Groups
We are able to supply letters to care homes, charities and voluntary groups from across Kirklees. If you are an organisation click here.
Support Us
You can support us in many ways from spreading the word on social media, getting involved as a business or by donating to Give…a few words for more information..